In-App Script Editor Upgrade

February 15, 2024

Exciting news! Our in-app script editor has received a significant upgrade, packed with features to supercharge your coding experience. Our upgraded editor is powered by the exact same engine as VS Code, providing a powerful and widely-used coding environment.

Enjoy all the capabilities of this renowned editor such as:

  • Syntax Checking, Formatting, and Autocomplete: Real-time error detection and efficient autocomplete suggestions for a smoother coding process.

  • Code Formatting: Experience automatic code formatting, ensuring consistency in style and structure.

  • Variable Name Highlighting and Bracket Pairing: Enhance code readability with highlighted variable names and effortless code block navigation through bracket pairing.

  • Search Functionality: Find code fragments effortlessly with the code search feature.

Additionally, we have introduced Type Checking and Autocomplete for Script Connector Input Variables.

The upgraded editor is now accessible in script connectors (Script and Python) and the CustomJS editor, ensuring a consistent and enriched coding experience.