This is a 'Workflow' template which means that it is a single standalone workflow.
Some workflow templates can be modified to work with other workflow templates - e.g. to convert a data sync between two services from uni-directional to bi-directional
This template is created by our partner Concurrent Services as part of our Order-to-Cash (O2C) bundle.
This workflow creates a sales order in NetSuite each time an Opportunity is marked as "Closed Won".
This workflow assumes the following:
You have API Access to Salesforce and NetSuite.
You already created a custom field in Salesforce to link accounts to their corresponding customers in NetSuite
Verify/Update the Boolean step called "***Account Synced..."
You must have a custom field on the Account object in Salesforce that is for the NetSuite entity ID
In the template, the API name of the custom field mapped is called "NetSuite_ID__c"
- this might be different in your implementation
Verify/Update the configuration data for your Closed Won stage name
If you changed the spelling of the API name of your Closed Won stage in Salesforce you need to update this in the configuration data for this workflow
In the template, the API name of the Closed Won stage is "Closed Won"