Support Access controls


                                                  Tray's Support Access feature allows you to determine when our support team can access your workflows, ensuring a high level of security and control.

                                                  Key Features

                                                  • You control when and for how long to grant Support Access to our team.

                                                  • Access can be granted from your Profile or during support ticket submission.

                                                  • Tray reserves the right to grant access to address platform technical or security issues, in accordance with the Master Subscription Agreement.

                                                  • Organization admins can override the Support Access settings for their users.

                                                  How to grant support access?

                                                  The support access setting can be controlled at two levels: user and organization.

                                                  At the user level

                                                  To set Support Access at the user level, go to your Profile by clicking on the profile icon in the top right corner and selecting Profile from the dropdown menu.

                                                  Under the Tray Support Access section, click Grant access.

                                                  You can provide time-limited or indefinite access by selecting the tenure from the available options.

                                                  It is best practice to set a time-limit and update it as and when required. Tray Support cannot extend this for you.

                                                  Once you have granted access, you can see the date and time when the access will be revoked. You can also manually revoke the access using the Revoke grant button.

                                                  At the organization level

                                                  Support Access settings at the organization level can only be controlled by the organization admin or the owner. These settings can also override user-level settings.

                                                  To set Support Access at the organization level:

                                                  1. Go to Account Settings.

                                                  2. Under the Tray Support Access section, configure your preferences.

                                                  By default, all organizations will have support access settings set to User Controlled.

                                                  You can select one of the following options based on your preferences:

                                                  • User Controlled: Users in your organization can grant or revoke time-limited or indefinite access to their accounts from their profile settings.

                                                  • Always On: Tray Support can access accounts in your organization at any time.

                                                  • Disabled: Tray Support cannot access any accounts in your organization. No user, including admins, can grant access at the user level from their profile. If your users need assistance from Tray Support, an admin will need to change this setting.

                                                  Trial Organizations

                                                  • By default, trial organizations cannot modify their Support Access settings and it is granted on all users.

                                                  • Organization admins cannot change this setting until they become a paid customer, where it then changes to User Controlled.


                                                  Your Support Access settings can only be modified by you, or by Tray's Security team in response to a suspected platform or security issue. These actions generate audit events which can be requested or streamed to you via audit log streaming.