Exporting / importing projects


In Tray you can use Projects to manage a classic dev > production setup.

Tray has a system whereby you can export and import projects (and individual workflows) as json files.

This allows you to fully test your projects and workflows in a 'development' environment (i.e. using test/sandbox accounts and test data) before exporting to a json file, ready to be imported to your 'production' environment.

Please see the page on Authentication mapping at import for detailed guidance on how to manage authentications when importing and exporting projects

The basic process

Importing and exporting is the method used to promote projects from one env to another

  1. Create and test the project/workflow(s) in your test/dev environment, using test/sandbox accounts and test data

  2. Once you are ready to publish the first version, export your workflow/project to a local json file and then import it to your production workspace

  3. In the process of your first import, select your production authentications (or create new ones if necessary)

  4. Edit subsequent versions in the test/dev workspace, before importing again to the production workspace

  5. Every time you do a promotion save each export.json in your own storage

    • Version

    • Add metadata

    • Any breaking changes?

If you mistakenly import a workflow, or need to undo for any reason, you can do so with the Rollback Workflow History function.


Import / export projects manually

Import / export projects via API

It is possible to programatically Import and Export projects with our GraphQL APIs.

Importing and Exporting via API is only available to Embedded customers at this time

The first import will have to be done manually (as described above) in order to allow you to create the linked authentications in the target workflow(s).

If new services are added to any subsequent versions then you will need to run another manual import, as new authentications will need to be created

Individual workflows

Import / export workflows manually

Import / export workflows via API

It is possible to programatically Import and Export workflows with our GraphQL APIs.

Importing and Exporting via API is only available to Embedded customers at this time

The first import will have to be done manually (as described above) in order to allow you to create the linked authentications in the target workflow(s).

If new services are added to any subsequent versions then you will need to run another manual import, as new authentications will need to be created

Data limitation on Export / Import size


The project/workflow export size is limited to 15 Mb.

If your project/workflow exceeds this limit, the export would fail with a status: 502 Bad Gateway.

It is very unlikely to exceed the 15 megabytes limit and it should suffice your needs for all practical purposes.

Note that you will be able to run and test your project just as good (provided other technical limits are not breached) but you wouldn't be able to export it because the project size would exceed 15 Mb of data.

If you face this issue, please cross verify all your workflows for any hardcoded information.

Example: hardcoding thousands of records of sales data in one of the steps in a variable instead of obtaining them from a Service connector / HTTP Client call to the source system.

Finally if your exports are still greater than 15 Mb, reach out to Tray support for workarounds.


The project/workflow import size is limited to 6 MB.

If you are importing a project/workflow that exceeds this limit, the import will fail with status: 413 Request Entity Too Large.

It is very unlikely to exceed the 6 MB limit and it should meet your needs for all practical purposes.

Note that you will be able to run and test your project just as well (provided other technical limits are not breached) but you won't be able to export and then import it because the project size would exceed 6 MB of data.

If you face this issue, please cross verify all your workflows for any hardcoded information.

Example: hardcoding thousands of records of sales data in one of the steps in a variable instead of obtaining them from a Service connector / HTTP Client call to the source system.

Finally if your imports are still greater than 6 MB, reach out to Tray support for workarounds.